Fix My House!
What are the best design apps to help me with the
renovation of my home?
Whether you are a homeowner looking
to improve your space or a professional
interior designer, there are plenty of
design apps available that make it easy
and fun to try out new ideas.
Houzz is the go-to design app for
virtually every designer and DIYer out
there. Containing more than 5 million
high-resolution home images, the photos
are tagged and organized according to
style, room, and location making it easy
to find options for whatever design
problem you are trying to solve. Even
more useful is their “ideabook” feature
that allows users to search and save their
favourite ideas for future reference.
Photo by Stephani Buchman
This marvelous app is truly a godsend
for discovering and compiling images and
friends or colleagues by posting it to your
ideas. I use it frequently when creating a
favourite social media site.
visual inspiration board before meeting
with clients, or even suggest that they
create a board of their own so I can get a
sense of their style beforehand.
This is a truly remarkable app for those
of us who are mathematically challenged.
Measuring spaces accurately can be one
of the most problematic and frustrating
Struggle with paint colour choices
design challenges. Floorplanner takes the
no more! With C-I-L’s room visualizer
guesswork out of the process with their
app, you can browse through pictures
MagicPlan tool. Simply take a picture of
of painted rooms or upload an image
the space with your device, mark the
of your own space and test run their
corners of the room, and it will generate
paint colours with no commitment. It
an accurate floor plan instantly. - Text by
even makes it possible for you to draw
Kim Bartley
inspiration from your own photos by
suggesting paint colours to match.
This app manages to score high
marks for being both user-friendly and
professional. It allows you to create a
floor plan quickly and easily, adding
details like doors, windows, or even
furniture to a room. Once you have
created a layout, you can share it with
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