New Year
It’s hard to believe how fast our daughter Ella is growing up!
It seems like just last week Mandy, pregnant at the time, was
helping me tackle our renovations that are still ongoing.
Finish renovations (does that ever end?)
Plan a spa date for Mandy
Spend a week at the cabin (sans electronics)
Take our first family road trip
Find the perfect art piece for my living room
Have a blast on season 5 of the Marc and Mandy
As time passes, I think we’ll remember her cute expressions,
her first laughs and her “joie de vivre” and forget the sleepless
nights and blown-out diapers! Mandy and I love to keep busy.
You would think that our first baby would bring a year of stayat-home and rest time but it seems like life has different plans
for us. We have our ongoing cottage renovations mixed in with
the makeover of our new home. Ella seems to be enjoying it,
except for the banging of the hammer. She has a tendency
to squint every time I hit in a nail. Our little girl has a lot of
squinting to do before these renos are done!
Our renovations are coming along great. We’ve laid new
floors throughout our home. (Check out Flooring Trends on
page 84) I even found myself groaning and grunting as I got
up from an evening of installing our flooring. When did I get
this old?! And painting, oh dear, I think we must have painted
everything in that house twice! (Check out this year’s colours
in “Toned Down” on page 52) Mandy says that I dream that
these projects will be easier than they are in reality. What
can I say, I’m a dreamer! I walk into a room and imagine how
pretty it could be with just a little of this or a little of that.
Mandy on the other hand, bl ess her heart, has more trouble
imagining the outcome. She sees only the ugly, and boy have
we bought some ugly things throughout the years! Although
she knows that once I have my heart set on something, there is
no talking me out of it, so she grabs a hammer and says “Hon,
let’s do this!” I’m blessed to have her in my life. She’s always
game for any project that comes our way, even with her heavy
schedule jumped on board for the Marc and Mandy Show
which will be celebrating its 5th season on TV! (Visit www. for local listings)
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