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Our Contributors continued... Bassett www.bassettfurniture.com “The person I most look up to is Jackie Meghan Carter Design Inc. www.meghancarterdesign.com O for her sense of style and design.” Jacqueline Glass and Associates www.jglassandassociates.com CSP International www.stagingtraining.com “A job I would like to try would involve spending the day with George Clooney.” “If my life story would be turned into a movie, I would love it if actress Jennifer Garner would play me.” Evelyn Eshun Interior Design www.evelyneshun.com “If I was stranded on a desert island I would want to have Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance, the book. Gone with the Wind, the movie and if I had to pick just one person to be stuck with, I think I’d go with my sister.” Luc Crawford Design Inc. www.luccrawford.com “When I was younger, I wanted to be a designer but “My favourite room in my home is definitely my living I secretly dreamed of being an equestrian.” room.” Joe Mancuso Decor-Rest Furniture www.decor-rest.com Royal LePage Estate Realty www.mancusohomes.ca “If I were to write a book, it would be “Advice I would give my 20-year-old self is embrace that you live ‘Designing for the Heart’ and would prove that great design doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.” in the most wonderful place on earth, don’t pass up opportunities, try hard, and have a plan B!”