Home Seller's Guide Vol 1 | Page 17

Premier Service® Commitment   Premier Service AS  YOUR  TRUSTED  ADVISOR™  I  WILL:   Ø  Ensure  that  you  understand  agency  representa9on  alterna9ves.   Ø  Research  and  create  a  Compara9ve  Market  Analysis  to  assist  in  developing  a  pricing  strategy.   Ø  Provide  a  wriQen  es9mate  of  seller  expenses  and  proceeds.   Ø  Provide  all  necessary  forms  to  ensure  that  the  required  disclosures  are  completed.   Ø  Recommend  property  merchandising  and  enhancements  to  maximize  marketability.     AS  YOUR  SKILLED  NEGOTIATOR™  I  WILL:   Ø  Promptly  present  all  offers  as  soon  as  possible  and  review  all  terms  and  con9ngencies.   Ø  Provide  nego9a9ng  strategies  to  achieve  the  best  possible  terms  and  price.   Ø  Share  financial  informa9on  with  you  as  provided  by  the  buyer,  and  make  every  effort  to  have  each  buyer         pre-­‐qualified  or  pre-­‐approved  with  a  lender.   Ø  Assist  you  in  monitoring  the  status  and  sa9sfac9on  of  contract  con9ngencies.     AS  YOUR  EXPERT  FACILITATOR™  I  WILL:   Ø  Promote  property  through  adver9sing,  direct  marke9ng,  industry  networking,  the  Shasta  MLS,  and  the   Internet.   Ø  Commit  to  regular  communica9on  on  the  progress  of  selling  your  home,  including  prospect   and  market  feedback.   Ø  AQend  the  closing  and  contact  you  following  the  closing  to  ensure  sa9sfactory  comple9on   of  all  service  details.   Ø  Offer  the  opportunity  to  evaluate  the  service  provided,  a[er  the  transac9on,  through  a   Customer  Sa9sfac9on  Survey.  This  survey  is  administered  by  Leading  Research   Corpora9on,  an  independent,  3rd  party  research  company.     Representing Your Home I 17