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Rent-To-Own: What Can It Mean For You • Your usual arrangement is put in place between the owner of the property and the tenant involving an agreement from both sides on a set price and the period of time it would take the second party to cover the amount, generally starting from 2 years onwards. It is easier to picture it as a mortgage, without involving banks or outrageous, unexpected fees at the end of the contract. • As nothing is a simple as it sounds, there are a couple of aspects one should be aware of before binding themselves to such a contract. To be on the safe side, specialists recommend having two contracts put in place – a regular lease/tenancy one and a purchasing one. There is a common misconception that the seller will set aside a specific amount from the rent as the monthly down payment, but as it happens, it’s not usually the case. The additional amount will have to be paid on top of the rent and be highlighted as appropriate to avoid any unforeseen issues in the future.