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WHAT DOES POWER OF SALE OR FORECLOSURE MEAN? • Judicial foreclosure. This is a foreclosure in which the lender uses the courts to make a judgement to sell the deeds to a home or to reap the balance of the mortgage and other bills. These are typically slower than other foreclosures and can take up to half a year to go through all the legalities. • Friendly foreclosure. A friendly foreclosure is another phrase for deed in lieu of foreclosure. This means property is willingly given back to the lender which actually eradicates any need for a foreclosure (this is why it is referred to as friendly). • In-Substance foreclosure. This is when the bank has already repossessed the property in question despite the fact that no prior formalities regarding the foreclosure have taken place. This could actually possibly happen after a friendly foreclosure wherein the tenant grants the property back to the lender to fulfil any outstanding mortgage finance. • Foreclosure. Finally, the most well practiced foreclosure is wherein the lender is forced to take legal action against the tenant as they are not paying their bills on time, or even at all.