A headache is a condition of persistent or lasting
discomfort and pain that is felt in several spots or one
spot in the head. The pain can range from mild to severe, like a migraine.
The causes for headaches vary. It can be stress, tension, sinusitis, eye strain, occipital neuralgia, head injury, and more.
How to Cure Headache with Natural
Soak a cotton ball in arrack (forehead width), and
put it on the forehead, lie with it for 30 minutes in a
dark room.
Put onion slices on forehead and relax with your
eyes closed for 20-30 minutes.
Stir 1 teaspoon of lavender leaves to a cup of boiling
water, cool and drink 3 times daily.
Drink a mixture of half a cup of strong black coffee
with half a lemon juice.
Pour hot water in bowl (as hot as possible), deep
hands in the bowl and take out. Repeat 10 times.
Pour 1 cup of boiling water on 1 teaspoon of Marjoram, wait for 5-10 minutes and drink. Repeat 3 times