Hiccups, or hiccoughs, are involuntary sounds made
by spasms of the diaphragm. Hiccups are very common. They are sudden and involuntary as the muscle
contracts repeatedly. Hiccups are not serious and have
no clear reason for occurring.
Home Remedies for Hiccups
Smell Black pepper. Stop the hiccups: Blanch persimmon flowers and drink.
Drink (in small sips) a cup of water with a sprinkle
of baking soda.
Take a deep breath and try to hold your breath as
long as you can so the hiccups will stop.
Eat half teaspoon of sugar, if it doesn’t work eat some
Eat a popsicle or ice cream.
Drink Squeezed lemon juice.
Put your fingers in your ears while someone helps
you drink a full glass of water slowly.