Holy Grail 1 | Page 4


And, What happened to him?

When he arrived back to Camelot, he told me that Sir Galahad found the Holy Grail, but suddenly it went up to Heaven. Galahad after having seen the vision, killed himself to stay pure forever.

Did you felt sad because the Grail disappeared?

No I didn’t, instead, I felt very proud of my knights because they found it. But I have to recognise that I felt a little bit jealous of Galahad , because he was a pure knight , not like me.

Well , this is the end, it was very interesting listening to you, thanks.

The same to you, it was a pleasure.


1-It is made up of real gold.

2-It has a little sphere, in the shape of a diamond , in the middle of the handle.

3-It is wide.

4-It has some decorations around it.

Do you know that...

The Holy Grail

appears in the Indiana Johne's film

(The Crusades) and in the film

is made up of wood?

Many people believed that

it was true but it is not that.