Holl And Lane Issue 3 | Page 5

EDITOR’S NOTE fall dreams Fall is my favorite season. As soon as the heat of summer hits my face, I start dreaming of red leaves, cloudy skies, boots and football. It also seems to be the time of year that I dream my biggest dreams and feel in the right position to make them happen. The women that we have featured in our #GIRLBOSS article are incredibly inspiring to our H&L team. They followed their dreams and are making big waves in their industries. And we were grateful to get their advice for other women who are looking to follow their dreams. Though publishing the first issue of Holl & Lane already made my dream come true, I strive for bigger and more, and I’m excited to put more dreams into place. The start of these dreams includes introducing the Holl & Lane Blog which launches October 5th. We’re so excited to bring you more content, more often and I think that you’ll love what we have in store. In the months that follow, we have even more big plans and we cannot wait to unveil them to you. We are so pleased with your feedback and excitement that you make it easy to dream big and reach for the stars. I’ll talk to you in December! xo, Sarah MY CURRENT OBSESSIONS NATHANIEL RATELIFF & THE NIGHT SWEATS, $8 After hearing the song S.O.B., I can’t stop tapping my toes to it. The album is equally as good but if you give anything a listen, make it that song. FAIRFACE WASHCLO THS, SET OF 2, $14.99 These washcloths have my skin feeling so soft, so clean, so smooth. Regular washcloths have always been too harsh on my skin but these are made specifically for sensitive skin (though there are other types offered as well). I actually look forward to washing my face. BRINGING UP BÉBÉ, $8 I found this book on the differences between French and American parenting incredibly fascinating. And I may have picked up a few tips along the way. INKWELL PRESS JOURNAL, $24 I’ve never been very good at planners although I always have good intentions when I buy them. I need something more free form to allow my ideas to flow from my brain to the pages. Inkwell Press journals are perfect for that and the luxurious pages allow me to use all my favorite pens. Plus, I can’t be the only one that loves graph paper? HollAndLaneMag.com | 5