Holl And Lane Issue 1 | Page 2

FEATURES EDITOR’S NOTE CONTRIBUTORS ENTERTAINMENT STYLE & BEAUTY INTERIORS BUSINESS FOOD & FITNESS LIFE STORIES FAMILY TRAVEL CREDITS 22 3 4 8 13 20 35 45 55 66 80 86 67 80 35 BRIM PAPERY 52 ZUMBA! 56 LIVING WITH PTSD 62 I HAD WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY From the mouth of a small business owner, what does it take to succeed? One woman’s fight to live with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder every day. 2 Holl & Lane, Issue 1 Zumba has changed the way we think about exercise- hear from an instructor on why the workout is sweeping the nation! The good, the bad, and the ugly of gastric sleeve surgery.