Holiday News Holiday News - english | Page 13

more than 32,000 students were enrolled during these 172 years , largest university after Leipzig and Vienna , intellectual center of Catholic southern Germany . 1628 : Consecration of Santino Solari ’ s new cathedral . Archbishop Count Thun ( 1654 – 1668 ) acts as the emperor ’ s representative during the permanent Reichstag in Regensburg and receives the title Primas of Germany – a title still held to this day . 1668 : First newspaper appears . 1669 : Powerful rockslide from the Mönchsberg onto the Gstättengasse ( 220 dead ); Memorial plate in St . Sebastian ’ s Cemetery . 1731 / 32 : Expulsion of the protestants : Emigration of 20,000 protestant citizens of the Pongau to East Prussia , North America and the Netherlands . 1756 : W . A . Mozart is born . 1781 : Mozart leaves Salzburg after having quarreled with the prince bishop and goes to Vienna . 1803 : Archbishop Colloredo – last ruling archbishop – must flee and give up his rights to secular governance : Decline of the Holy Roman Empire and the seminaries under the rule of Napoleon . Elector Ferdinand III of Tuscany reigns until 1805 , then Salzburg belongs to Austria for the first time . 1809 - Napoleonic occupation ; bestowed upon the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1810 ( university is closed ). 1816 : Salzburg finally becomes part of Austria , except for the Rupertiwinkel , the Bavarian part ( from Berchtesgaden to Laufen ) and becomes the fifth district in Upper Austria . Its position as a small city on the edge of a big empire leads to its decline . 1818 : » Silent Night ! Holy Night !« is first sung in Oberndorf ( music : Franz Gruber , text : Joseph Mohr ). 1823 : Archbishopric reinstalled . The Cathedral Chapter is again granted the right to elect the archbishop ( still valid within limits ); title » Prince Archbishop « continues until 1951 . 1840 : The painter Hans Makart is born in Salzburg . 1842 : Unveiling of the Mozart memorial and the city ’ s first music festival marks the occasion . 1850 : Salzburg becomes an independent royal
Arcaded crypt at St . Sebastian ’ s Cemetery ; also the builder of the cemetery , Elia Castello , lies here .
demesne of the Habsburgs . 1860 : The city is no longer a fortress ( town walls demolished ); The » Elisabeth Westbahn « Vienna – Salzburg – Munich railway line is opened . This brings new commercial and social prosperity . Spacious quays and new parts of the city are built . Independent government in Salzburg and political administration in the dukedom ( 1861 ). 1880 : Establishment of the Int ’ l Mozarteum Foundation and the Music School . 1887 : Birth of the poet Georg Trakl ( died in 1914 ). The painter Anton Faistauer is born in St . Martin / Lofer . 1920 : First performance of » Jedermann « on Cathedral Square . 1938 : Salzburg becomes a » Reichsgau «. 1944 : US air-raids on the city : 530 dead , 900 wounded , 7,040 buildings completely destroyed , 618 seriously damaged , amongst these the cathedral . 1945 : Entry of the American troops ( headquarters until 1955 ). 1959 : Consecration of the restored cathedral . 1960 : The Grosses Festspielhaus is opens with » Rosenkavalier « under Herbert von Karajan . 1964 : Reconstruction of Salzburg University . 1967 : First Easter Festival , Herbert von Karajan is the artistic director . 1975 : Old City becomes a pedestrian zone ; the car parks in the Mönchsberg are opened . 1986 : Opening of Salzburg University ’ s School of Science in the south of the city . 1996 : The reconstructed Mozart Residence is opened to the public . 1997 : Salzburg ’ s historic quarter is added to the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List . 2003 : Hangar 7 from Red Bull is opened , study programs begin at Paracelsus Private Medical University . 2006 : The building which succeeded the Kleines Festspielhauses , the Haus für Mozart , is opened . 2010 : 90-year anniversary of the Salzburg Festival , 50 years of the Grosses Festspielhaus .
On old gravestones , such as one or other in the cemetery of St . Peter ’ s in Salzburg , you can read in yellowed lettering : “ Wanderer , should you pass this grave , briefly stand still and consider : he who lies here , was once as you are today . And you will one day be , how he is today .” Is it possible to “ like ” cemeteries ? I like cemeteries . The Salzburg cemeteries especially . Not only those in the city . I like to ride or walk , for example , to Anif ( just a few minutes on the No . 25 bus , or barely an hour on foot from the festival district )… to this cemetery in which Herbert von Karajan is buried , without any to-do , in the middle of the night . I like Anif cemetery , because it smells of candles there , and the scent of the stables from next door . Anif has remained both suburb and village at the same time . Probably the greatest conductor of all time , Karajan , rests here in peace alongside innkeepers and businessmen , police officers and farmers . The great musical figure – next to master stonemasons , cobblers , gunsmiths .
St . Sebastian ’ s Cemetery , in the middle of the city , as you walk from the Staatsbrücke bridge up the Linzergasse , is an enchanted park . Many think it is too overgrown , you have to clamber over too much grass , too many stones , before you come to the earthen grave of Mozart ’ s father Leopold , Mozart ’ s wife Constanze or the epitaph of miraculous healer Paracelsus . Firstly , we should note we don ’ t know whether Mozart ’ s bones actually lie here , and secondly : Cemeteries don ’ t have to be opulent . Death is not opulent after all .
The communal cemetery in the south of the city is the cemetery of Salzburg ’ s everyday people . But the likes of a Hermann Bahr , Nico Dostal , Margot Werner are also buried here . A forest cemetery , a place of peace . The cemetery of St . Peter ’ s is the oldest of them all . “ O beautiful place , chosen for the dead / as a resting place for their tired limbs !”, lyrical poet Nikolaus Lenau once wrote . The cemetery for Michael Haydn , Nannerl Mozart , provincial governors , artists , a diligent abbey cook , an honored US general of post-war occupying forces , and many others . Great names , people like you and I . At St . Peter ’ s cemetery there are still plots available – but you ’ d better hurry .
Walter Müller is an author and eulogist . Most recent books : “ Over . Amen !” ( detective story ) and “ If there is a heaven ” ( 23 eulogies )