holiday magizine January 2014 | Page 8


about the trip

We will be departing on the 8th May at 10:25am from Stanstead airport and arriving in Reus airport at 13:25pm. A coach will come and collect us, and take us to the hotel this will take approximately 30minutes.

On return we wil be departing on the 22nd May at 14:10pm from Reua airport, arriving in Stansead at 15:10pm. A coach will then take us from Stanstead to Mount Grace school, this will take approximately 45minutes. We should arrive back at Mount Grace at 15:55pm.

Hotel, food and drink, theme park - £649.00

Insurance- £20.00

Coach- £23.00

Water park-£32.63

Golf- £30.00

Fair- £10.00

Show- £15.00

Go karts-£30.00

Spainish Coach-£100.00

Total- £1000.00

Dates and times


Thomas cook airplane

Port aventua logo