Holiday Extras Holiday Extras - Christmas 2020 Edition | Page 11

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Covid-19 doesn ’ t have to ruin our holidays . Let ’ s make the most of the hand we ’ ve been dealt and have a safe and enjoyable season .
Christmas is an entire experience for a Trini , it isn ’ t just about one day or one meal or even one big family gathering like it is for most other countries . It ’ s an entire season that seems to start earlier every year ( wait a minute that sounds kinda like Carnival ... :)) filled with joy and happiness in every moment , whether listening to parang soca while baking fresh bread or black cake , hustling with some last minute shopping to buy things we normally wouldn ’ t throughout the year , decorating our homes with a fresh coat of paint , new curtains and all the lights T & TEC would allow and paranging from one house to the next . At the end of it all , we Trinis go all out for our Holiday season , or as granny would say “ we doh do ting halfway ”.
11 | Holiday EXTRAs 2020