HOBY Utah Seminar Program Book 2012 | Page 17

How Can I Contribute? Get Involved in a Good Cause “Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you.” - Aldous Huxley Volunteer Opportunities HOBY Utah is always in the need of volunteers. We can’t get enough! Volunteering for HOBY is one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have. We have volunteers that have been involved with HOBY for less than a year and volunteers that have been involved for over 10 years! They will all say the same thing: “HOBY is OUTSTANDING!” Currently, HOBY Utah is growing! We are trying to expand our program and take on more new, and exciting things! We need motivated, willing, and able people to join us in volunteering for a great purpose. Please take a look below to get more information about our two main bodies that run our organization. Seminar Committee The HOBY Utah seminar committee is the heart of the organization. It is made up of dedicated, motivated volunteers that plan and produce the HOBY Utah seminar. there is a Lot of stuff that the seminar committee has to do every year to produce such a great program. To find out more information please visit www.hobyutah.org. Corporate Board The HOBY Utah corporate board is the legal representation of our program. it is made up of adults who graciously donate their time to ensure that HOBY Utah continues to function. The corporate board is also responsible for public relations, fundraising, alumni communication, corporate compliance and anything else to make HOBY Utah better. To find out more information please visit www.hobyutah.org. Financial Support HOBY Utah greatly appreciates any size donation. Here is a quick list of what we could do with your donation: • Sponsor students from low-budget schools • Sponsor community service events in Vermont increase the size of our program • Your donation is tax deductible and we would happily mention your name/ company in our program and on our web site. We also have special media opportunities for our program, web site and for special events. Gifts In Kind HOBY Utah needs many supplies to operate. Here is a list of some items on our wish list: t-shirts for students and volunteers, Bottled water, name tags, notebooks and/or folders, pads of paper and writing pens, Printer Paper for copies, water bottles, etc. We would greatly appreciate any size donation of any of the above items. Your donation is tax deductible and we would happily mention your name/ company in our program and on our web site. 16