Hoardfast Product Catalogue | Page 12

Introduction How To Create a Budget Quote Save money, time and wastage 01-05 Key Facts:  p to 30% cheaper than U traditional stud partitions  0% quicker to install 7 then traditional timber and plasterboard walls 1. Select panel height required 2. Times the £ P.O.A figure in this box by the number of linear meters required 3. Now select the type and number of doors required and the height and number of corners required and add this cost to your total 06-09 4. Refer to page 36 for estimated delivery costs to calculate your budget cost Budget Panel How To Create a Budget Quote Hoardfast PVC To create a budget price use the table directly below: All prices detailed on this page are per linear meter and include all relevant items detailed in the white box below. To purchase individual components use the codes and prices provided in the subsequent tables. 10-13 For bespoke requirements please contact the main office on 01785 782160.  an be moved during C phased works FireScreen 60 P urchase only reusable and disposable system, made from recycled material to help environmental impact 14-17 The per linear meter price includes 3.33 reoccurring panels and all top u-channels and bottom u-channels to cover 3.33 panels. SoundScreen Budget Panel Full System Per Linear Meter STAGE 2 Floor To Ceiling Budget Self-Assembly Door (does not include door locking mechanism, see page 12) Corners (90º right angle) 18-21 Description 2.7m High Panel 3.5m High Panel Single Double 2.7m 3.5m Purchase £ P.O.A £ P.O.A £ P.O.A £ P.O.A £ P.O.A £ P.O.A FlameScreen Zero STAGE 1 Typical Applications 22-25 PropScreen 1. Creating a cost effective barrier during renovation works 26-27 PropScreen Rigid 2. Adaptable panel to fill in voids and gaps 28-29 Add-On Products 30-35 For product add-ons visit page 30 To estimate your delivery costs visit page 36 11 Useful Information 10 36-41