HOA & Public Safety Service | 2017 - 2018 | Page 9

PROPERTY OF JIBBIO.COM Citizens’ Connect to Correct A) Proactive solutions. On the other hand, “Surveillance cameras” are passive - tapes are viewed AFTER an incident has occurred, which is not a proactive measure to improving public safety. B) Immediate calls-to-action, in the moment. On the contrary, “Neighborhood Watch” programs and signage provide no immediate calls-to-action that is easily and readily accessible. In turn, citizens may forget to report, not report, or report too late that could result in a negative outcome for time-sensitive matters. C) Automate information sharing, maximize efficiency. Information submitted is simultaneously emailed and shared with multiple recipients (no manual relaying required) to streamline communication and save time. Advertising Revenue Local ad spending in the U.S. will surpass $151 billion in 2018. Direct mail will account for the largest portion of U.S. local advertising in 2018, with $38.5 billion devoted to that purpose. Direct mail will make up 25.4% of expenditures and remain the most popular type of U.S. local advertising thanks to response rates that range between 3% and 5%, according to BIA/Kelsey." Source: https://www.emarketer.com/content/local-ad-spending-will-see-slight-growth-in-2018 Why is the above “Direct mail” stat significant? Simply because the Jibbio HOA & Public Safety service offers an online form of traditional direct mail advertising! Common Interest Communities (CIC) can easily generate thousands of dollars annually in advertising revenue by offering their local businesses direct advertising opportunities through its Main Directory portal (Jibbio Minisite Forms). 8