HM 370 RANK Start With a Dream / HM 370 RANK Start With a Dream / | Página 8
Identify at least four current trends that affect recreation, travel, and
tourism within your selected destination city. Describe each trend.
What effect do these trends have on hospitality operations in your
selected destination city?
Discuss the role of a convention and visitors bureau (CVB) and the
tourism commissions in the hospitality industry. What effect do CVBs
and tourism commissions have on the hospitality industry in your
selected city?
HM 370 Week 4 DQ 1
Okay, class, let's see if we can't get this week spinning, shall we? I
know we only have a few people during the work week. (smile) Class,
a lot of large organizations have ethics training classes built into their
core competencies structure and human resources tracks the
attendance, but I do think that leaders have choices of ethical behavior
no matter if they've had proper training or not. Unfortunately, there
can be a lot of "gray" where the difference between black and white
cannot be distinguished.
Scenario: You are a manager at a restaurant and you've noticed the
night shift is taking food home to their family. You've heard the night
shift employee discussing his need for money, do you say something to
the employee or let the employee continue?