HIYH Impact Report 2023 | Page 39

Using an objective computerbased assessment to diagnose ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD ) is a condition that affects people ’ s behaviour . Many might struggle to concentrate and often feel unsettled and restless . It can have a huge impact on their social lives and their emotional development . In young people , this can mean that they struggle in school .
It is not always simple to determine if a child or adult has ADHD . Often clinicians will diagnose this condition through an assessment including a physical examination , a series of interviews with the patient and reports from other significant people , such as partners , parents and teachers .
The national Focus ADHD programme uses an objective assessment tool ( QbTest ) as a supplement , rather than a replacement for conventional clinical examination and subjective assessments and reports . The assessment evaluates all three core components of ADHD ( attention , motor activity and impulsivity ) and compares these to normal values from a sample of children without the condition .
In our region we provided tailored support to trusts wishing to implement the programme . This has included supporting trusts in the development of business cases or helping to secure funding to pilot QbTest . Programme management support and resources were made available for all sites including supplying details of the evidence base and implementation plans . In addition , support was provided to ensure that all IT and Information Governance requirements were met .
Since the implementation of the programme in 2020 , we have continued to support the roll-out of the QbTest , which is now available in all NHS trusts in our region . The test is now offered in 18 sites in total and to date it has benefitted 4,892 patients – 2,103 of these in the last 12 months .

After five years of battling , we now have a diagnosis of ADHD for our now 11-year-old daughter . The Focus ADHD programme is providing QbTest at scale reducing waiting as well as reducing family anxiety .”

Both of my children have ADHD .
However , with the use of QbTest the diagnosis for my daughter was quicker , with fewer appointments compared to my son ’ s diagnosis without QbTest .”
39 Transforming Lives Through Innovation