hiya bucks in Bourne End, Flackwell Heath, Marlow, Wycombe, Wooburn July 2016 | Page 22

The diary of a BUCKINGHAMSHIRE VINEYARD aged 7¾ AS THE JUNE SUNSHINE DOES ITS WORK – AND, CHEERS, WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH HEAVENLY LANGUID WARM DAYS AND EVENINGS TO FUEL GROWTH – DROPMORE IS FLOURISHING. THE VINEYARD NOW LOOKS ‘DRESSED’, AFTER THE BARENESS OF WINTER, IN ITS BRIGHT GREEN LIVERY PUNCTUATED BY BABY SHOOTS HERALDING THE PROMISE OF GRAPES TO COME. A HEART-WARMING SIGHT. Tasks at this time have focused on concluding the bud rubbing process and opening out the training wires before first spray of the year. Bud rubbing - the removal of extraneous growth that appears around the main stem of the vine somewhere between ground and thigh level - ensures all the energy of the plant is concentrated in the vital fruiting parts. This exercise is now complete, aided by the welcome return of a keen young vineyard hand back for another summer between his student studies. The parallel wires that hold the canes in place are unclipped to open out space for the growing plant to spread and climb. As the vines spurt upwards, so the tucking-in process begins. Thus begins the continuous tussle between nature and (wo)man to ensure the vines stay trained between the now-expanded wires 01628 664376 [email protected] 22 rather than waving about extravagantly outside their frame like a drunken sailor. Next duty was the first spraying of the burgeoning crop to ensure the ever-ready blight of downy mildew is kept at bay. This requires skilled knowledge and experienced vineyard hands to ensure correct use and application of spray materials. Too windy a day and the precious liquid - hissed out of finely tuned nozzles on a trailer, misses its mark. Too wet and it’s washed away before it can do its job of protecting the vine leaves, now the size of small dinner plates. On a visual note - for vineyards are nothing if not feasts for the eye - the rosebushes punctuating the start of the first dozen vine rows are also fleshing out and throwing out gorgeous splashes of magenta