hiya bucks in Bourne End, Flackwell Heath, Marlow, Wycombe, Wooburn February 2016 | Page 4

here’s a selection of this month’s content for you ... Shrove Tuesday recipes Dog of the Month 8 26 The Great Take part in Thames the Chiltern Row 2016 Warrior 50 10 This month’s competition 16 The diary of a Buckinghamshire vineyard Hedgerley Historical Society 30 34 Valentine’s Food to fall in love with 42 Gym accessories lations Congratu n and itma Fiona P h Wilsnag a d n a ir M t e s a won who both d gluten o rG of Flavo sonings free sea lations Congratu our, m y e S Jane the John f o r e n win u Did Flint “ Yo ok bo What?!” 22 Hiya Bucks also publish: the Beaconsfield, Penn & Tylers Green magazine To advertise in this magazine email [email protected] or call 07947 349134 Old Amersham and Amersham on the Hill magazine To advertise in this magazine email [email protected] or call 07855 022844 4 To advertise in Hiya Bucks text or call 07947 349134