hiya bucks in Bourne End, Flackwell Heath, Marlow, Wycombe, Wooburn April 2014 | Page 2
If you are reading this, then the likelihood is that you have also received the New Local Plan produced by
Wycombe District Council. In it, you may have seen a number of green sites that have been earmarked
for development in order that WDC can meet the requirements set-out in the Coalition’s National Planning
Policy Framework.
‘Save Slate Meadow’ is a group of local residents who object to the proposed development of 175
homes on Slate Meadow. Slate Meadow, known locally as ‘The Horse Field’ sits between the borders of
Wooburn Green and Bourne End. A third of the area is classified as Village Green with access from the
old railway-line footpath. The remainder is left in its natural state and grazed by horses. To the South runs
the River Wye.
The mixture of hedgerows, grasslands, river and trees makes it an ideal habitat for a variety of animals,
including; swan, little egret, king-fisher, song thrush, moorhen, pheasant, barn owl, deer, lizard and
potential nesting spots for bats. Interesting species of plants have also been found on the site including
2 rare examples; Thames Ram’s-horn and Basil Thyme and the River Wye is considered a Biodiversity
Opportunity Area. This beautiful natural habitat is on the doorstep of the local community, including St
Paul’s School and provides a much needed and appreciated interruption to the busy, built up villages
either side. It is also an environment for young children to learn about nature.
Issues around the local infrastructure and services are also of concern. The already busy route through
Wooburn Green and Bourne End has already seen 2 serious pedestrian accidents along Cores End road
in 2013. There are also serious issues of site access with WDC considering Stratford Drive, Frank Lunnon
Close and Willows Road
Of importance both locally and nationally, is the removal of a recognised floodplain. Over the past
few months we have seen the most severe weather and flooding for a generation. Large parts of the
local community have been affected by the
terrible floods, including parts of Bourne End;
houses in Cores End Road have been flooded
due to rising ground water and an overflowing
drainage system. The River Wye has been close
to breaking its banks, but has held firm and
saved both the local residents, and those further
upstream, from any immediate impact. ‘Save
Slate Meadow’ believe the natural protection that
the floodplain has provided should be valued
and protected; building houses and creating
more hard surfaces will be both undesirable and
dangerous. In its current open space condition,
the ditch at the West end of the horse field now
has standing water in it which is a positive sign
The ditch within Slate Meadow showing water gathered
of ground saturation.
We are looking at ways to highlight the ‘Save Slate Meadow’ campaign; looking into
Neighbourhood Plans, a picnic/event on Slate Meadow, looking into
classifying it as a nature reserve or community orchard.
If you would like to add your voice and views, please join our facebook group,
https://www.facebook.com/groups/SaveSlateMeadow/ and also sign the petition
to Save Slate Meadow http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/60864.
We are also available on Twitter @SlateMeadow
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