Migraines and Me
I was eleven when I got my first migraine . This is my story about migraines and me .
So maybe it turns out gluten isn ’ t my problem ? I ’ m currently in California and thought I ’ d have a little treat since my migraines seem to be frequent again . After cutting out gluten for over a year it ’ s quite frustrating that I am still having migraines but not having things I love like cake , donuts , pizza , pasta ( for the same price as others ) and gluten free food just doesn ’ t have that same amazing taste !
I have had at least two waffles for breakfast , as well as samosas , cheesecake , a bite of a donut and scampi and , yeah , I do seem to have the minor headache daily but I also had that before I ate all of this . Maybe it will hit me very soon and I ’ ll deeply regret what I ’ ve eaten but , sometimes , I think you have to live life to the full . Everyone has their ups and downs , that ’ s why I wear my Lokai bracelet .*
I guess the reason I ’ m writing this month ’ s blog is just purely for my message to spread . I still strongly feel there are millions of people in this world that don ’ t fully understand what a migraine is . I think there are a lot of people who don ’ t fully listen when I try to explain how ill I feel ! I want people to know and realise what a migraine does to someone , how it affects their everyday life . It ’ s my worst nightmare . If you haven ’ t read my previous blogs I will recap on the important parts .
In my case , firstly , I have the aura ( some people call it similar to headrush ). After about two minutes of this I get a headache . This headache builds up to feel as though someone has smacked me with a baseball bat . The aura clears after about 30 minutes but that doesn ’ t mean it won ’ t come back . I then feel physically exhausted for at least a couple days . I have this kind of dizzy and unreal feeling . People may think I am being distant , unless of course they suffer with migraines too . There ’ s no saying when the headache goes , you just take medication every 4 hours and hope it will be soon .
So there you have it , I have talked you through my world of migraines . This can happen at least 10 times a month or no times a month . It is literally the most unpredictable thing I know , it can come at any time , sometimes even when sleeping ! If I don ’ t take a strong dose of pain killers as soon as I get the aura I can also feel , or be , physically sick due to my brain / body not being able to cope with this insane illness .
I hope I have reached out to several more people through this blog and I aim to continue , please spread the word and let ’ s find a cure !
* http :// mylokai . com /
Migraines and Me
I have created a Facebook page called ‘ Migraines and Me ’. If you would like some more detailed information and some recipes , please feel free to take a look . I have put on a few personal favourite recipes of mine .
If you would like to contact me to speak about your experience with migraines you can email me at nataliegerrish @ hotmail . co . uk
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