Confessions of a Cat Sitter
Chris Pascoe is the author of A Cat Called Birmingham & You Can Take the
Cat Out of Slough, and a columnist for various UK & international magazines.
He’s also a cat sitter…
Just lately, I seem to have become a pin-cushion for cats. I’ve long had a few feisty felines
on my books, happy to record their dental records in my flesh, but a couple of new clients
have raised the bar somewhat (Coco Centauro and Nikita Jones– I’m talking about YOU!).
The jet-black Coco’s owners had mentioned
his dog-like habit of attacking postmen. This
ball of black fur with eyes apparently hurled
himself bodily at his letterbox every day as
the postman arrived, not attempting to catch
the mail, but to rip the postie’s fingers off. The
fact that all mail is now left on the doorstep is
testament to how successful Coco has been
with his hobby.
I, knowing all this and being reminded daily
while picking up the post, still managed to poke
my fingers through the letterbox. It was my last
visit, you see, and I was returning Mrs Centauro’s
keys after locking the door. Believe it or not,
Coco didn’t attack when I did this. However, I
then wiggled my fingers about
inside the letterbox (of course
I did!) to check the keys had
dropped out of reach. How
clever a thing to do was that?
Coco was so impressed at my
apparent playfulness that, upon
seeing a full set of four fingers
and a thumb suddenly appear
in his hallway and wiggle at him, he helpfully
attempted to remove them. The sudden strong
pull of frenzied teeth and claws was enough to
cause me to lurch forward and headbutt the
door knocker. My shouts of pain as I attempted
to withdraw my hand were enough to appall
a passing pedestrian, who no doubt must
Cat Comforts
Cat Sitting Services
Flexible, friendly & professional service
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home while you’re away.
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Tel: 01494 639486
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Email: [email protected]