hiya bucks Amersham, Beaconsfield, Chesham, Gerrards Cross, Missenden April 2015 | Page 40

a Feature by Timothy Platten - Working Goldsmith / Prestige Beaconsfield. Caring for your Jewellery JEWELLERY usually has a long life and becomes part of the persona of the wearer. However, some kind of regular maintenance helps to maintain its original beauty and reliability. We are pleased to produce some sensible guidelines that should prolong the life of your jewellery and at the same time maintain the original attachment you felt when you first acquired it. Jewellery is designed to last a lifetime and, by taking a few simple precautions, yours will soon become a family heirloom. It is suggested that you bring your jewellery to a professional jewellery workshop once a year for a professional ultra-sonic clean and polish. (It should also be mentioned that regular professional maintenance is also helpful in the event of a loss and subsequent insurance claim.) It is always a good idea to take a photograph of your jewellery in case of loss or theft. This annual clean and maintenance check will ensure that the settings, clasps, chains and stones are secure. Cleanliness does not affect the jewellery market value, as jewellers routinely clean jewellery before offering it for sale. Ultrasonic Cleaning. Ultrasonic cleaners are useful for jewellery cleaning and removing tarnish. They use ultrasound waves and chemicals combined to create 40 bubbles that “cling” to the foreign particles such as dirt, oil, and unknown substances. The high frequency waves are sent out and pull the contaminants off the object. The bubbles collapse after they attach to the contaminants and move to the surface of the chemical solution creating what appears to be a boiling solution. You can use a variety of different cleaning products in an ultrasonic cleaner, although there are a number of commercial solutions available from your local jeweller or store. Please remember to rinse your jewellery to remove excess cleaning product, it will eliminate any soap build up left on your jewellery - In addition DO NOT leave jewellery overnight in any commercial jewellery cleaner as that will destroy your jewellery. Although it is not one of the 4 Cs, cleanliness affects a gemstone’s beauty as much as any of the 4 C’s (cut, carat, colour, clarity). Because of the investment, both financially and emotionally, in an individual piece of jewellery, it is recommended that a professional jeweller be consulted. Prestige Jewellers, a Retail Outlet and ‘working jewellery workshop’ based in the centre of the new town in BEACONSFIELD have a full workshop service on the premises and offer a free jewellery maintenance check, to ensure that claws and the metal work is up to standard. In addition, for a short period offer via the attached coupon, a ‘FREE ULTRASONIC CLEAN of either a ring or a pair of diamond earrings.’ To advertise in Hiya Bucks text or call 07947 349134