hiya bucks Amersham, Beaconsfield, Chesham, Gerrards Cross, Missenden April 2015 | Page 37

same size who is not in a wheelchair. Certainly long-term wheelchair users will have lower lean mass, especially in their legs and this can affect metabolic rate, which will drop slightly due to reduced lean mass. However you say you are in a wheelchair for the moment so this won’t necessarily apply to you. Bear in mind that if you are on a VLCD and only consuming circa 600kcal per day, it would be impossible to not lose weight at a greater rate than standard dieting, although the exact amount will vary depending on the individual. Q: Why do you not do gluten free recipes? A: n some of our products, especially our bars, hydrolsed wheat gluten is used as an ingredient I to provide both texture and flavour. A completely gluten free alternative is more complicated and more costly to produce. Should there be significant demand for this, we would consider this.  However it is worth pointing out that all of our products are in line with the most recent EU labelling regulations. By law, we have to declare the main allergens (of which gluten is one), in the ingredients deck when they are present in the product. The ingredients deck is found on the back of our product packaging. If a product contains gluten, and not all of them do, it will be clearly emphasized and easily identifiable. It is worthwhile pointing out that you can’t label a food as gluten free, just because it doesn’t contain gluten. Rather, this type of labelling is reserved for products which would usually contain gluten, but which have been sufficiently processed so that they no longer do. So an apple doesn’t contain gluten, but can’t be labelled as gluten-free using these rules. Gluten free pasta, will not contain gluten, but CAN be labelled as gluten free due to the processing it has undergone. If you need support losing weight, LighterLife groups can help – our expertly-trained LighterLife Counsellors have been helping people to lose weight for over 20 years. LighterLife will help you to explore why you eat in the way you do so that you have the tools to lose weight and keep it off in the long-term. For more information, call Dee McKenna on 07793 393957 or visit www.lighterlife.com Area Window Cleaning SPOTLESS WINDOWS, CLEAN GUTTERS, GREAT SERVICE AND GREAT VALUE Concerned about the state of your windows and gutters? J O N HO LM AN S FI T N ESS The ultimate personal training experience! TRX suspension trainer expert Strength and Conditioning coach Ex national standard distance runner Crossfit level 1 coach 14 years experience You get: • potless interior and exterior windows S • onservatories that gleam C Weight loss/Injury Rehab/Anti Post natal/Sports specific training • utters cleaned and maintained G • reat service and great value for money G • ully Insured and CRB checked for F complete peace of mind • ressure washing P Contact Paul now on 07944 279322 or 01494 672535 [email protected] www.areawindowcleaning.co.uk www.jonholmansfitness.co.uk [email protected] 07814 011790 Locations: Personal training studio | Home | Park Offer: FREE 1 hour consultation and trial session email: [email protected] | www.hiyabucks.com 37