hiya bucks Amersham, Beaconsfield, Chesham, Gerrards Cross, Missenden April 2015 | Page 12

What Lexie Loves... Happy Easter! Today I am going to be reviewing a series which is very special, unique and great to read: The My Story set by a group of around 15 authors. These books are takes on real historic events, however they are written from a fictional character’s point of view, written in a diary style. There must be over 50 books covering basically every historical event. Name a period in time and I BET they’ve written a story on it. All the ones I am reviewing are the Girl stories with a female as the main character but they have also done a Boy set too. My favourites are Suffragette, The Great Plague and Titanic which I am reviewing today. Suffragette Suffragette tells the story of 15 year old Dollie. She had a poor upbringing, until a wealthy woman takes her and cares for her. Meanwhile, the suffrage movement is around, and Dollie is desperate to join. And she does, against her guardian’s wishes. There she gets involved in things she never thought she would. Then the movement gets stronger, and Dollie is found doing illegal acts. With women being thrown into prison everyday, and force-feeding beginning, Dollie needs to stop and think – how much will she do for Votes for Women? This was an interesting, fast-paced and enjoyable read. The suffrage movement is one of my favourite points in history, and I feel strongly about the subject. I liked Dollie too, as a character, she was well imagined and I liked seeing her develop stronger and braver. The Great Plague Alice is a typical Londoner girl. Not poor, but not rich. She has a nice, enjoyable, normal life with trips to the theatre, nice food and even a maid. But, the plague is spreading all over the world and soon it’s out on London’s doorstep. Every day new red crosses appear, and less and less people are over town. And then her aunt catches this terrible disease too, and Alice’s life is thrown upside down. The Great Plague was a very moving story, which really touched me; she might be a fictional character, a figment of imagination, however it’s crazy that real people had to go through the same experiences. Titanic Poor orphan Margaret dreams of escaping her care home one day, she has big aims in life, but with being stuck in a dusty orphanage her dreams are unlikely to become a reality. Until one day the rich and wealthy Mrs Carstairs appears, wanting someone to accompany her on her trip across Antarctica. And Margaret is perfect for the job. For her she finally has freedom, and a chance in life. But when the passengers are awoken on a terrible night, Margaret realizes that she is stuck in torture, wherever. Again, very realistic - Margaret and her writing seemed alive, and it’s hard to believe that she doesn’t exist. I recommend ALL these stories, plus the rest of the series to anyone who loves reading. If comedy isn’t your thing, maybe pass on this. But, then again, exploring different genres is very important! http://whatlexieloves.blogspot.co.uk/