Hitch Fit Living Magazine Volume 8 - September/October 2016 | Page 52

Featured Hitch Fit Gym Transformation Transformation by Hitch Fit Gym Downtown Transformer Nancy Choquette

Karen defined herself as " Fit-ish " but wanted to get back to a place where she felt strong and confident ! Check out her full story here : http :// hitchfitgym . com / success-stories / personal-training-in-kansas-city /

Here are some things she discovered through her transformation journey with Nancy :

1 . Training with a female trainer is Awesome !

2 . Hitch Fit provides a great atmosphere and the one-on-one focus is amazing ! The positive vibes and support are everywhere between the trainers and you definitely feel a part of a family there .

3 . Simply stated . RESULTS ! Like anything else , you have to commit to the focused lifestyle and find your own balance with it . Zoning in on your nutrition doesn ' t have to be a chore or dreaded .