Hitch Fit Living Magazine Volume 5 - March/April 2016 | Page 47

I believe one ultimate goal in life is to be happy. A life that is fulfilled, happy, healthy, and full of love. We try new things, some work, some don’t. We go through ups, downs, and every direction in between. Often times we forget what makes us happy, we stray on roads that don’t serve us, and we come back home to make sense of it all and try something new. Sometimes we are blind-sided with the unexpected and left picking up the pieces, not knowing which way to turn. It is a never-ending journey and I believe a task is to simply get 1% better, every single day and trust that you can handle whatever comes your way and do it. The one thing I have found to never lead anyone astray, is taking care of your HEALTH. Yes, this means taking care of you BEFORE anyone or anything else. It does not mean you are negligent in other areas of your life, it means you’re taking ahold of your life and putting yourself first. So where do you begin? I encourage you to take a step back and prioritize your life, putting health on the table. Ask yourself these questions: 1. 2. 3. Are you exercising regularly? Are you eating a nutritious diet? Are you fulfilled and happy? If you are doing those things already, great! Keep going, stay persistent, and striving towards transforming with your health as your vessel. If you are not taking care of your health currently, there are many ways to change that! A one hour workout is only 4% of your day and the results are astounding. Even 10 minutes a day is where you can begin! Do you need support? Do you need encouragement? Do you need guidance? Do you need a kick in the rear? Ask yourself what you need to help you get on the road to healthy habits and then get up, ask for help, and get started. The biggest win is simply showing up. Because when it comes down to it, no one cares about your excuses, we all have them, it’s about stepping outside your comfort zone and getting connected with people who have overcome the same obstacles you see standing in your way! YOU were put on this earth for a reason, YOU are important, and YOU can do it! Change can be scary and unpredictable; however, there is no need to make it complicated because people are here to help guide you! Open up, reach out and make yourself a priority. The right people and places will come your way. Trust me, I promise you, you will be amazed at what comes back to you. Alyssa Johnson is a Hitch Fit Transformation Trainer at the downtown location. Contact her for training at [email protected] or visit www.HitchFitGym.com .