Hitch Fit Living Magazine Volume 4 - January/February 2016 | Page 46

Being a Hitch Fit personal trainer and transformation coach, one of the most common clients I see are women who have had a baby and they want to get back to their pre-pregnancy body weight. I love working with women and helping them in this journey! The one type of client who I wish I would see more of is the newly pregnant woman who wants to know how she can be fit and healthy DURING her pregnancy. I know I had a LOT of questions when I first found out I was pregnant this past summer so I did a lot of reading and research to not only help myself, but for other moms to be out there that have the same questions that I did. So you’re pregnant? That means eating for two, woohoo time to live it up and eat all you can! Um….not exactly! While many moms to be take this approach, the truth is that now is more important than ever to watch what you are eating, keep moving and make mindful and healthy choices for you and your little one! During pregnancy is not the time to diet! It is however, perfect time to monitor both the quality of foods you are eating and to monitor your calorie range. *All info came from WebMD How much should I be eating during pregnancy? 1st trimester: no extra calories needed 2nd trimester: around 340 extra calories 3rd trimester- around 450 extra calories As you can see, you don’t really need a lot of extra calories! So we really need to be mindful of that whole “eating for two” motto or extra weight gain that isn’t necessary will start to add up!