Hitch Fit Living Magazine Volume 2 - September/October 2015 | Page 16

10 effective tips for setting and accomplishing goals. 1. WRITE THEM DOWN Approximately 99% of the people who actually come up with goals do not physically write down their goals, as if may seem unnecessary. Something about physically writing them down keeps you more focused on the goals. Post them up somewhere that you look at every day like on the bathroom mirror and read them out loud everyday! staying consistently focused is the key to finding success. 2. SET A TIMELINE If you set a goal that’s too big too soon it can become unobtainable and slow or stop your progression. Have your big goal broken down into smaller more obtainable factors to achieve by a certain time. This will keep you progressing while avoiding the feeling of being overwhelmed. 3. BE CLEAR Spend some time with yourself getting really clear about what you want. What does it look like, feel like and how would life be different with it. 4. IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT, THEN GO FOR THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU DON’T WANT Lots of people don’t set goals because they are not sure about what they really want. But they most usually know what they don’t want. So, get clear about what is not working in your life and build your goals to stay clear from that aspect. 5. BACKWARDS PLAN Like in a challenging maze puzzle, if you don’t know how to get to your end state goal then work backwards starting from your end state goal and find a path back to the starting point, that way you know what it takes to achieve that goal.