Hitch Fit Living Magazine Volume 2 - September/October 2015 | Page 15

The importance of goal setting is often overlooked. Most have a general idea of what they would like to achieve but they never break them down and clarify what they are. Goals provide a plan of action towards a life purpose. A plan of action a map to your ultimate destination of success. When you take a trip, most likely you have a predetermined destination and directions on how to get there. Successful people don't drive around aimlessly hoping to run across their destination by accident! Very rarely will you find someone who achieves their goals by randomly shooting in the dark. When following a plan, you are able to see how much you have progressed towards your goal and how far away you are from your destination. Knowing where you are is essential for making good decisions on where to go or what to do next. Understand what you want in your heart, and mentally believe in the goal. When you combine these two things your body will find a way to physically make it happen! I am a firm believer in the “law of attraction” which is the philosophical theory that is used to sum up the idea of focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. So visualize what your end state goal is, live in that visualization mentally while you physically work in your current state of being towards achieving it in reality. You will then find yourself physically catching up to where you already are mentally. If you use your heart to conceive it and in your mind you believe it, then eventually you can achieve it! There is a model developed by Jim Rohn that provides a simple method for producing goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. S.M.A.R.T is an acronym to describe characteristics of quality goals. S= Specific By being specific there is no question as to what you’re trying to accomplish. Priorities are set and you’re able to manage your time and direct your efforts more efficiently to achieve the results you envision. When you are specific with your goals the future becomes locked into your mind and you are able to see it specifically and that is powerful! M= Measurable Your goals must be measurable so that you know when we are progressing and by how much. If your goals aren’t measurable then you won’t know if you are moving forwards or backwards or if you are accomplishing anything at all! A= Attainable Often people set goals that are so big that they are unattainable. While it’s important to set big goals and push yourself past your current limitations, it is more important to make sure that the goals are actually attainable. Attainable does not mean easy. Your goals should be set just out of your reach but not so far that you aren’t able to make the effort, stretch up and grab them! R= Realistic The foundation of the word realistic is “real.” Your goal has to be something that can be made real in your life. Some goals