Hitch Fit Living Magazine Volume 1 July/August 2015 | Page 34

It has been a wide-spread topic of debate: is having a “dad bod” really ok? Dad bods have become socially acceptable for several reasons. The now trendy term originated from a college student from Clemson University Mackenzie Pearson wrote a 500 word article about a new perspective that people should have in this new generation. Fueled by social media and societal acceptance, the idea of a man who is softer around the middle, eats and drinks as he pleases, and therefore (theoretically) is less intimidating to women because they have less room to judge women as harshly seems like a win for both sexes. But there are underlying consequences of the dad bod below the surface that we are failing to acknowledge. The ultimate threat that the dad bod poses is that it could lead to a variety of lasting health issues. According to Center for Disease Control, a body mass index for men of 25-29 is considered unhealthy. The exact characteristic that is the dad bod, a fatty waist, is the worst place to harbor extra body fat and can cause conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease often result from elevated BMI levels associated with this body trend. Interesting enough, according to Washington Post, "it is estimated that the dad bod zone falls within a BMI of 25 – 29”, the exact amount the CDC considers unhealthy. A healthy male BMI should fall between 18.5 -24.9.