History of Lauderdale County School District | Page 24

May 1935 There came on for hearing, also, a petition, signed by T.M. Jones, etal of the Dry Creek Consolidated School District, requesting the consolidation of said district with the Beat Line Consolidated School District, located in Clarke County. Upon checking the petition against the Poll Books, it was found to contain the signatures of a majority of the qualified electors of said district; where upon the following order was unanimously passed: Ordered by the Lauderdale County School Board in regular session, the Clarke County School Board concurring, that the Dry Creek Consolidated School District be the same is hereby consolidated with the Beat Line Consolidate School District, located in Clarke County, the said Dry Creek Consolidated School District containing the section and parts of sections, and described as follows: Beginning at eh NW corner of Sec 31 T 6R 16, thence E to NE corner of Sec 32 T 6 R 16, thence South to the SE corner of Sec 32 T 6 R 16, thence E to the NE corner of the NW1/4 of Sec 4 T 5 R 16; thence South to SE corner of the SW1/4 of Sec 21, thence W to the SW corner of the SW1/4 of Sec 21 T 5 R 16; thence S to Township line, thence W along Township line to SW corner of T 5 R 15, thence North to the NW corner of the SW1/4 Sec 28 T 5 R 15; thence to NW Corner of Sec 15 T 5 R 15; thence to E to NE corner of Sec 13 T 5 R 15; thence North to NW corner of Sec 31 T 6 R 16; the point of beginning and containing all sections 31 and 32 T 6 R 16, the W1/2 of Sec 4-9-16-21; all of sections 5-6-7-8-17-18-19-20-29-30-31-and 32; T5 R 16; all Sections 13-14-15-22-23-24-25-26-27-South1/2 of Sections 28-29 and 30, and all of Sections 3132-33-34-35 and 36, T 5 R 15, comprising 32 1/2 square miles and that the school building be located on the Lauderdale-Clarke County line dividing the Section SE1/4 of Sec 31 T 5 R 16, and the NE1/4 of Sec 6 T 4 R 16. It is also ordered that the board of trustees be increased to five members, three from Lauderdale county and two from Clarke County (assessed values Lauderdale $200.000 and Clarke $70,000) and the county superintendent s be and are hereby directed to appoint said trustees. It has been suggested that the school be known as Clarkdale School, for the two counties. John R. Ellis Ex-Officio President Lauderdale County School Board