Historical Evolution of sports Historical Evolucion of sports researchpdf | Page 7

Combat Sports A big attraction at all the Greek games were the ‘heavy’ events – wrestling, boxing, and the pankration, a type of all-in wrestling. Specialists in the sports could win large sums of money all over the Greek world, once they had proved themselves sat Olympia. Wrestling was a sport of great skill which used many throws of still the seen today. It also featured as part of pentathlon. the Boxing was considered the most There violent were sport. no separate rounds in a match and the contestants fought until one of them gave in. In ancient Greece thin strips of leather were bound around the boxers’ fists to protect their hands. Boxing gloves were eventually developed, and in the Roman period they were weighted with lead or iron to inflict greater damage. The pankration was a mixture of boxing and wrestling, where almost any tactic was permitted. Only biting and going for an opponent’s eyes were illegal. R UNNING E VENTS The most ancient and prestigious even tat Olympia was the running race along the length of the stadium, a distance of 600 Olympic feet (192.28 metres). The HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF SPORTS 7