Historia 07.june.2014 | Página 42



During the 19th century (1880s) Western powers scrambled for new territories in South East Asia and Africa.

Western powers controlled the governments and economies of their colonies.

Some resisted colonial rule, but most early resistance movements failed.

Social Darwinism: in the struggle between nations, the fit is victorious

Racism: belief that race determines traits and capabilities.'

“The path of progress is strewn with the wrecks of nations, traces are everywhere to be seen of the slaughtered remains of the inferior races. Yet these dead people are in very truth, the stepping stones on which making has arisen to the higher intellectual and deeper emotional life of today” (British professor, 1900)

Believed that Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive people.

“The White Man’s Burden”

Bringing the Christian messages to the “heathen masses”

Bringing the benefits of Western democracy and capitalism to these societies.