Historia 07.june.2014 | Page 39


Caudillos and inequality

New countries with lack of knowledge in how to self-govern led to several losses

Caudillos were the new leaders, with military tactics and supported by the landed elites



-Didn’t want to depend on other country

-Wanted to establish a centralist government in Mexico

York Rite:

-Poinsett (American Diplomatic)

-Look forward to eliminate the colonialists countries

Search for stability


-Defended the traditional social order

-Favored press censorship

-Support the catholic church


-Backed free economics

-Religious toleration

-Greater access to education

-Freedom of press

Santa Anna


-Lost his leg bye defending Veracruz port from France in the Pastry war

-Lost Texas state

-A caudillo that didn’t look for a change but for disaster

-Misused state’s funds, halted reforms and created chaos

Economy and Politics


-Called for a new congress to suppress the reforms

-Propose a new constitution: centralist

oNew supreme conservative power

oExecutive power with a president elected to last 8 years

oA judicial power with a supreme court