His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine September 2014 Volume IV No. 1 | Page 4
—His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine
Good God Glorious Hello Precious Ones!
It’s really a blessing to be able to celebrate four wonderful years with you all! This month’s issue is very special
because we have “just” made it through the ‘eye of the
needle’ and arrived safely in the present Hebrew month
known as Elul! Our September and the beginning of the
fall season!
Studying on the specifics of this wonderful month and
using the Hebrew history we can really rejoice because
this is the month our King and LORD will meet us in the field if we are obedient and
seek Him and allow His countenance to shine upon us! God wants to meet each of
us in a special way and share a time of special intimacy with Him! Elul (September)
is a “haven in time,” like a “city of refuge” from the ravages of life.
This past year His Heart Scribe has experienced many “changes in the guard” so to
speak. We all know that each time Father “moves” in a situation either positively or
negatively according to our flesh … His changes are always for our good and His glory! I’ve learned to not push against His leadings no matter how difficult they may
Looking back on the year and the issues past my heart is full with adoration for each
person that so unselfishly gave of their time and works to share with us! I know
God will and has blessed each contributor 100 fold for their service to Him and the
Our entire world is changing. We are no longer in that “sit and wait” position to get
our lives and hearts right before our LORD. There is not enough time left to just sit
idly by taking our own sweet time refusing to surrender every part of our lives to His
LORDship! No longer are the days of His coming lifetimes away.
It’s time to allow His ways to be our ways and live a “no compromise” life!
Nothing should be more important than seeking Him about what He needs for
you to do. Way too much time is being spent on building our own kingdoms and
allowing His to