His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine November-December November - December 2014 | Page 7

ments; He lives on the inside of us to transform us into God’s image and rests upon us to transform the world around us into Heaven’s image. As we humble ourselves to our King His wisdom fills our life and enables us to bring Heaven into any situation. As simple as that sounds walking it out seems quite difficult at times. (Continued from page 6) is the beginning of wisdom and understanding is displayed when we do His commandments. I believe these two principles are the foundation of walking fully in God’s blessing and releasing it into our atmosphere. The dove biblically is the picture of Holy Spirit. This can be clearly seen when Jesus was baptized. A voice came from heaven declaring Him as the only begotten son and Holy Spirit descended upon Him as a dove and remained. Jesus had emptied Himself of Heaven’s power and authority when He descended to the earth to born as a man. At that moment when the dove rested upon Him and remained all that He had poured out filled Him once again. He was now walking the earth as the Son of God and the Son of Man. When Holy Spirit fills us and rests upon us we as believers are granted the same inheritance. Most times we are unable to walk in all we have the right to because we have not learned how to create a place for the dove to rest and remain. Jesus gave us the opportunity to walk in all that He walked in after His resurrection. Before ascending back into heaven He released to His disciples what we call the great commission. Because He has been given all of Heaven’s authority we have the ɥ