His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine November-December November - December 2014 | Page 34

(Continued from page 29) for visions to come to pass. I had to be crucified to my old life. It was not easy. It was painful, but it was well worth it! There is beauty in the cocoon that I could not see until God revealed it to me. My whole time in the cocoon, a transformation was taking place. God was molding me and shaping me to be beautiful like the butterfly. He was shedding my old skin in order to apply new life found in Christ. He had to grow me, but He also had to protect me. He did this through keeping me in the cocoon. He restricted me from being released too premature. Inside this stage, God was transforming me fully. God would soon release me. Emergence of a butterfly is an awesome experience. They do this through breaking the cocoon. The cocoon is a hard surface, so it would take the butterfly to become strong. ...This is a perfect example of us. We spend many years in the cocoon. We are ready to bust it when it is time to emerge. This is because we are now mature in Christ. We are ready to soar high into the things God has promised us. We bust the shell of the old life. We soar into the new life. Many of us right now are on the break of emergence. We are getting ready to split our cocoons and embrace our new life in Christ. God is getting ready to release many of us in the unknown. We would not have been ready if released prematurely. We would have fallen instead of soaring. God loved us enough He kept us restricted in the cocoon. He molded and prepared us for such a time a this. Get ready to soar like the butterfly! God is releasing many of us from our cocoon. It is time for emergence into the new life found in Christ. Writing with Purpose for His Service, Broken and Restored, Ruby! (Continued on page 35) 34