His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine November-December November - December 2014 | Page 21
The word of GOD is our lifeline
as COGS. This means it should be
present in ALL ways and areas of
our lives. Someone called me a
thought. Huh? Because it is Jesus in me Who is. THAT'S it for
sure, that HE not only knows
the Word but IS the Word. This
means that as WE secure ourselves in HIM, and delve more into HIS food, the WORD, that WE
will become the Word as well.
The transformation that happens
is, JESUS in us, can do what JESUS
walking the earth did before. In the
word it states “As a child, I
thought like a child.” He then said,
“But then, I became a man and put
away childish ways.”
The world we live in now glamorizes evil. It even glamorizes death,
which is NOT the purpose of this
post. The purpose of THIS post is
to point out, that DEATH is beautiful in God’s eyes, because it is a
step to resurrection. WE can no
longer choose to be afraid of it.
Because it will happen, one way or
I was terrified of death as a child. I
grew up hearing the word spoken
from a place of FEAR. People
would say, “You better straighten
up. You don’t want to go to hell.”
Wow, there was a lot of FEAR. But
God. There was little faith that I
could see. Yet, it turns out there
was some, it was just hidden.
People have been discussing wars
for years. The bible discusses them
too. It says there will always be
wars, or rumors of wars. I am not
saying ignore what appears to be
happening around us. I AM saying,
(Continued on page 28)