His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine November-December November - December 2014 | Page 14

Signs of the Times T here are various doctrines regarding tribulation, rapture, and its relation to the church. No matter your views in this matter, we know that we are seeing biblical prophecies fulfilled in this day and age. As we look at what is happening within the world, we can see that the times are perilous indeed. We see plagues, famines, wars, and rumors of wars, nation against nation, and the Bride of Christ seemingly sleeping or turning a blind eye to the situations. It is as if the Body of Christ at large has magnified certain issues, while others are being swept to the side. Abba has spoken many times to me ... “I know all, and I see all.” It was reassuring to hear this when my heart has been heavy with grief, because of all of the pain and suffering that is going on in the lives of those both near and far. 14