His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine May - June 2014 Volume lll Number 4 May - June 2014 | Page 15
His Heart Scribe Inspirations --May/June 2014
"The Keeper of the Butterflies"
ment they are endowed with from the Father's throne … A special heavenly message from Home just for those who need
to know I am not alone but here in the
throne preparing the butterfly messengers for their earth journey …
The keeper of the butterflies …
She can only see through God's eyes …
Before each is allowed to fly …
She paints their trail with a pure heart
and keen eyes …
"How far will they travel today Father?"
"How high will they fly?"
"Will their destination be far away or
close by?"
Endowed with words from the Father's
own heart …
Shining and glimmering just like His
eyes all aglow …Sealed with His never
ending undying love …
Away they go!
Carrying His message to those down below.
She smiles as He whispers and He giggles
as her joy explodes into glitter gently falling like rain upon her butterfly litter.
She releases each one and begins to
dance … Whirling and twirling He takes
her hands. They watch excited and know
not by chance one of those winged messengers might just make their way into
your heart and your hands … Releasing
the "Essence of Sarah Beth" and you too
will do the butterfly dance and you will
In anxious anticipation she lovingly
checks on her jewels. "A little bluer like
the sky for your wing, a little redder like
the rose for your brow, and this one
surely needs some more gold like the sun
to make the perfect reflection as your
wings illuminate its rays," she says gently touching up those areas on each one.
forever be changed …
From day one of their life she guarded
and patiently watched as they emerged.
Then she carefully painted them as per
her Father's instructions…
For she's God's "Butterfly Keeper!"
--A Heart-Scribe Message Moment
Each day as they grew she found she did
too. Never once did she consider what
she had been through. For now she was
Home and she makes her abode in the
Throne Room with the One she longed
for all along. A place where she could
trace her own butterfly trail that took
her on her own journey that had lasted
only a few short years.
The ringing of the glass meant at last her
planting circle was complete and she had
to fly Home. Leaving behind an essence
that will not be hard to understand but
would be difficult for those to comprehend unless they had a pure heart and
clean hands…
Be ever watchful in the earth land …
For when a butterfly makes itself known
It carries the essence of those who have
gone …
She's the butterfly keeper and those she
has grown each have a special assign-