His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine May - June 2014 Volume lll Number 4 May - June 2014 | Page 13
His Heart Scribe Inspirations --May/June 2014
recently got a word about letting go of different things from
my past. Those of you who
know me know when people start
talking like that, I start rolling my
eyes, as a general rule. As is cliché
in church, I find that to be a vague
and nonspecific word that is not
ken by someone I know and dearly
trust, and knew that if he was telling
me that, there had to be something
to it. I have never been one to deny
that every one of us, myself included, can have issues that hold us
back. When I say "hold us back," I
don't mean they are causing us
some sort of emotional upheaval or
making us afraid or some of that
jargon we often hear about poten ѥ