His Daughters' Letters Trusting in the Here & Now | Page 16

Jesus: In the garden of Gethsemane, our lord Christ, cried to the father, asking him to take away the task ahead of him Matthew 26:36-46. At the end of it, he prays for God’s will to be done However, when he contemplated the task ahead of him, he was overwhelmed and shaken. On the cross, he also cried out to his father “Why hast thou forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46.

Peter: Luke 22: 54 - 62 tells us the story of when Peter, out of fright, denied Jesus three times. This fulfilled what Jesus had told him earlier. If we think about it, I bet we can all recall a time when something has happened that unsettles us deeply or frightened us, enough to lie. The most important thing is that Peter felt gilt at what he had done, and he worked hard not to repeat it.


In the three examples above, we see four people who went through situations that caused their faith to be shaken. We are no exception. The one commonality between these four people, is that they did not stay in a place of doubt and fear. Regardless of how shaken they were, they ended back in a place of trust and faith in God. The issue is not doubting, but staying stuck in a place of doubt.

When we have been in a place of trials and tests for a while, it is only natural that we wonder when the test will end and the manifestation of God’s promises will begin. When we get to that point, we need to do all we can to find the will to trust again. If we do not, the enemy seizes that opportunity to keep us in a place of negative thoughts and doubt, and chips away at our relationship with God.


It is so important that we form a habit of reading the bible, especially when times are good. Reading the bible frequently helps us keep God’s words in mind, and it always comes in handy when the turbulent times roll around. Here are some verses from the bible, that have helped uplift me in times when my faith has been sorely tested:

Joshua 1:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

It is soothing to know that no matter where life takes us or what it throws our way, God will be there. He is the immovable and omnipresent God. He will never fail or leave us. He will ALWAYS see us through tough times and situations.