Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. (Romans 15:13)
When our hearts are filled with joy, there is simply no room for anything else. Seeking God daily, getting into His word, praying, and just taking time to be still in His presence and realize all of the blessings He has bestowed upon us can fill our hearts with so much joy. When our hearts are joy-filled, that joy will be on display in our words and actions.
Life is going to hand us some lemons. There are going to be times when we are hurt by someone, angered by a situation, or lost in our worries. But our God is so much bigger than the hurts, the anger, or the worry. He is Mighty. He is All-Knowing. He is our Rock. He is our Light. When we step out of the darkness that comes from these negative emotions, and step into His glorious light, our lives are changed for the better. When we realize our worth and value as a child of God, no one can make us feel less than. When we choose to walk like Jesus, turning the other cheek when necessary, our lives are far less consumed with negativity. There is no room for negativity in the Kingdom of God.
Don’t wallow in your negativity. Don’t let your pain, anger, and stress evolve into something larger than life. Don’t let the devil have a foothold in your heart and mind. Take it to the Lord. Cast it upon him and He will carry it for you. Walk out your days in the peace that comes from knowing and trusting God. Don’t get even…get better.
Betty Predmore is a blogger, speaker, ministry leader, and author of Pondering Virtue and Whispered Grace. Her blogs can be found on her website www.bettypredmore.com