His Daughters' Letters Finding Rest in Trust | Page 12

5 Steps to Overcome


by Betty


I have been struggling lately…struggling with anger, disappointment, and pain. I have let anxiety and bitterness creep it’s way back into my heart and my life. And I am SO TIRED of it! My heart is heavy, my mind is stressed, and my body is weary.

Where does one go to escape these emotions? Where does one find solace, peace, and rest? I have been looking in the wrong places. I am so much like that old western song… “Looking for love in all the wrong places.” I have searched for my validity through the voice of others who can affirm that my feelings are acceptable. I have justified my reactions to negativity brought against me, instead of turning the other cheek. Sometimes it gets exhausting turning the other cheek. I have listened to the little evil whispers of the enemy that tells me I deserve to stay mad, I deserve to react in a certain way, I deserve an apology.

At what point do we learn that it is not about what WE deserve? At what stage of the game do we start looking to what we SHOULD do, not what we DESERVE to do? Did Jesus DESERVE the tortuous death he endured for my sins and yours? Did Mary DESERVE to watch her son die in such an excruciating manner? Life is not about what we deserve. It is not about getting even with those who hurt us or treat us in a negative way. It is not about making yourself feel better. Life is about serving God. Life is about honoring the death of Christ on the cross. Life is about following His word and living in such a way that all of that sacrifice meant something.