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Review the simulation: You are a Supreme Court Justice Deciding on a Free Speech Case. Read Appendix B: Briefing and Analyzing Cases in Constitutional Law. Choose a U.S. Supreme Court case that covers the First Amendment (free speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition). Do not use any of the cases mentioned in the You are a Supreme Court Justice simulation. Use the Supreme Court of the United States website (www.supremecourt.gov) to locate a case. Follow the FIRAC model in Appendix B to brief the case. Use the FIRAC Worksheet pr ovided. ================================================= HIS 301 Week 4 Individual Assignment Reflections on the First Amendment Paper 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.his301assist.com We have another set of Week 4 Individual Assignment Reflections on the First Amendment Paper with different description, which can be found on this link See: The First Amendment Center ● Choose an issue from the list or from the web site.