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HIS 301 Week 5 Team Assignment U . S . Constitutional Amendment Proposal and Presentation
6 . Cite at least ONE related landmark U . S . Supreme Court Cases in the presentation
Present the Challenges to the Constitution . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HIS 301 Week 5 Team Assignment U . S . Constitutional Amendment Proposal and Presentation

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Constitutional Amendments exist to correct a perceived problem with the existing document . In Week Three , you examined what has been changed so far . Each team will consider a possible change . If the team wants to write about something other than the assigned topic , the team must obtain the facilitator ’ s approval by Week Four .
• Team A : Should the Constitution be amended to limit representatives , senators , and members of the judiciary to 12 years of total service ?
• Team B : Should the Constitution be amended to give voters the right to recall an officer in the legislative branch , executive branch , or judicial branch , before the officer ’ s term expires ?