HireSA HireSA April 2017 | Page 19

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Walk behind rollers are a staple for many hire companies and Ammann ’ s range offers improved availability with improved cost of ownership efficiency .
read-outs of the compaction level being achieved . “ Perhaps the most compelling reason to have an Ammann AcePro in your fleet is as a result of the South African National Roads Agency Limited ’ s ( Sanral ) strict new specifications that call for the kind of smart compaction technology that only Ammann compactors can achieve in this country .”
Walk behind range
Another offering that has been widely applauded by the hire industry , is ELB Equipment ’ s new range of light compaction equipment . These small machines offer ultra-efficient operation in packages that usually ‘ punch well above their weight ’ when compared with traditional machines in their size and weight category . They are also extremely versatile and can provide users with a multitude of options when used on site . This range includes rammers , plate compactors and walk-behind rollers . The rammers , for example , have a number of additional attachments that can be fitted to increase options on site depending on the application for paving , roads or trenchwork . The selection of larger plate compactors and reversible plate compactors are equally versatile and range from standard forward compactors of between 70-100kg in either diesel or petrol types , to much larger reversible models of up to 440kg and the flagship hydrostatic models that weigh-in up to 778kg .
Locally , machines of this size are more akin to walk-behind rollers , but in the case of the large Ammann hydrostatic plate compactors they provide far better compaction than traditional rollers . They also have the advantage of having a smaller footprint ( and are usually narrower ) making them additionally suitable for use in trench applications . “ What ’ s more , the machines are made in Europe to the highest possible standards and provide users with the latest compaction technology in versatile and durable , tried and tested machines ,” adds Sheppard .
Tried and tested
In operation , the Ammann machines are proving to be an asset to companies that operate them , both in terms of low cost of ownership returns , as well as putting hire companies in a position to offer more advanced technologies than traditional suppliers .
Good examples of the benefit of using Ammann machines already exist across the country with good examples highlighted recently in road construction . Here the company ’ s Ammann AcePro ( ASC110D ) smart compactor is giving users the ability to precisely build and compact each layer of a road to specifications without the risk of variances occurring when geological or underfoot conditions change .
This is a unique benefit that some operators are already offering to customers who can make use of the machine ’ s inbuilt system to accurately measure ground conditions up to 350mm deep . Onboard software automatically adjusts the frequency of the vibrations and the amplitude to provide exactly the right type of compaction .
Tough and smart
“ The value of this type of machine in hire operations is the ability to offer clients a solution which enables them to avoid risks associated with either under or over compaction . In such cases the client can avoid the risk of having to ripup and redo entire sections of roads that would otherwise have wiped-out their profit margins .
“ Similar examples exist for our mechanically operated rollers , as well as range of light compactors , where their superior performance sets them apart from commonly used machines . In addition , their high availability also allows hire companies to realise faster returns on their investment ,” Sheppard concludes . uction companies in
APRIL 2017 | HIRE SA | 19